As interior decorators, part of our branding includes making things look as well put together as they can be.
From our own home, down to our children’s outfits, we love to keep the details spick and span. One glimpse into our life could make people wonder “Wow, everything about them looks fabulous….how do they do it?”
Well, here’s a little confession: as full time parents, and as corporate stewards with responsibilities extended on a global scale, there’s a lot of juggling, and striving, and trying that goes behind keeping the HOSI household running smoothly.
Several of my dear followers on Instagram have always been curious about how our little family is running the show. Today, I’m walking you through how our regular day usually goes!
Part I: The Me Time - 4:45 to 6:00 AM
I believe that the best day starts with connecting with yourself and with God. When you are a mom, an entrepreneur, and an executive, it’s so easy to get lost in all the needs of the people around you. Connecting with myself through meditation helps me make better decisions and allows me to become more mindful of my family and my professional connections. Morning prayers definitely give me the spark to start the day with purpose.
As much as I can, I put on a power suit for virtual meetings to get me into that lady boss mood.
Part II: The Early Morning Huddle 6:00 AM - 7:30 AM
Some of my amazing team members are from Europe and the Middle East - that means we have time zones to beat. That also means I am already in front of the camera - on a power suit! - before my kids are up.
Part III: Prepare Kids For School Without Running Out of Breath 7:30 AM - 8:30
As soon as I press ‘End’ on Teams, I usually have no time to waste. I rush upstairs to help Allen get the kids ready for school. Allen and I try to drive the kids to school together, given that we’re outnumbered and thankfully the school is less the five minutes away.
Part IV: The Hustle 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
I love mommy mornings. But after the kids have gone to school, I become Latoya, the corporate leader. The 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM time block gets filled with meetings around strategy, financial updates, compliance, innovation, communications, and upcoming travel coordination.
Part V: Time for Our Brainchild 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Inclined to call this one a “break,” but that won’t tell you how much I love these 90 minutes! This time block is for our brainchild - House of Smith Interiors. Like what I said in a previous IG post, this business is like my little therapy - I take reels, photos at home on-site,

make plans, and have calls solely for HOSI. Despite my busy schedule as an executive and a mom, I make sure to squeeze in my passion in my routine.
Honestly, this time block can also rightfully be called “the 90 minutes that keep me sane.”
Part VI: The Hustle Part 2 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Follow up time. This is the time meant for those long emails!
Part VII: Kids Come Back from School 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Snack preparations start at 5:00 PM. Once everything’s ready for their arrival, Allen and I make the quick drive to pick the kids up from school. Now that Sheldon and Avery are getting older, it’s always interesting to hear their responses when we ask them about their day. Responses like “I didn’t hit my teacher, I get a popsicle!” are the norm these days.
Part VIII: Here’s Where the Teamwork Really Happens 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
I’m a Virgo, and a true-blue multitasker, and I’m just so grateful to have found a life partner who synchronizes with me!
At 6:00 PM, I hop on a meeting with our Korea Team that runs until 8:00 PM. To make sure I don’t miss any Mommy time with my little ones, I turn off the camera and the mic to help with preparing the kids’ baths. Around this point, my hands are already full. Allen has taken the role of the chef - so he handles dinner while I finish my calls.
At 8:00 PM, I make sure to help Allen finish bath time. We love these moments with our kids! Although I must admit by this time, we are exhausted, but we push through for them.
We go full on mommy and dad mode from 8:00 to 8:30 PM. We either read stories, or play lightsabers (yes, big Star Wars family here!) with Sheldon and Avery. Poor Harper watches with excitement in his eyes, as he can’t wait to get in the mix when he’s older.

Bedtime starts at 8:30 PM - for Avery and Sheldon, at least. Harper’s sleeping routine is a different story. Sometimes he’s knocked out before everyone else. But most times, Harper would wonder why Mommy passed out before he could even doze off. Lol.
Once Harper and I are done with the rocking and singing, I take the extra hour to prepare for bed.
At 12:00 AM, Harper usually wakes up, and I get up to rock him. This happens 2 more times in the span of one night so you could imagine how drowsy I’m still going to be when my alarm rings at 4:45 AM. Lol.
A Few Realizations
I sometimes look at our schedule and agree with what other people tell me. Perhaps I’m doing too much. However, seeing how things get done despite the craziness of our daily routine made me realize some things.
First, Allen is the best teammate for this multitasking momma.
Honestly don’t know what I’d do without him running the wheels with me! Running a household is tough work, but nothing is too difficult when your partner is also all-hands-on-deck with you.
Second, routines make things happen.
There are days when I’m so worn out that I just want to lounge around and call it a rest-day. However, my brain is now so in-synch with my routine that I still find the strength to move forward despite feeling sluggish at times.
Third, communication matters.
When the going gets tough - and it will, because well… life - it’s important for you to communicate to everyone what needs to be done to make things easier. For me, that would be letting Allen know how we can help each other run our home, family, and business.
We also take the time to help our kids understand the ways of the world, and their contributions to our family.
Fourth, extend some grace to yourself.
As a Virgo woman, this is a tough one! I’m a perfectionist - it rattles me when things don’t go the way I want them to happen. But I’m constantly reminded that chasing perfection isn’t always the best option. How else can we find joy in our daily lives, the quirkiness of our kids, and the funny slip-ups of our partners if we’re obsessed with perfection?
There you have it - a typical day in the HOSI household. It’s hectic, crazy, fun, and really fulfilling! And if I’m being honest, I would not have it any other way.
XOXO Latoya Smith